Cartoons and e-learning
'Humour against Hacking'
Our Awareness is made up of 25+ microlearning modules with cartoons, videos, quizzes and much more.
The Corona pandemic gave hackers the wind in their sails - with phishing on mobile phones. We made the cartoon film about phishing you see here.
The powerful messages of cartoons
Cartoons are a great medium for explaining complicated topics quickly and effectively. IT security is a great example. For many people, IT security is boring, dry and a little difficult to understand. With cartoons, a new and intuitive understanding of what it's all about can be created.
The cartoon about Data Breach, seen above, is one of many animated films in the Humour Against Hacking awareness campaign.
Made in Denmark
We produce the cartoons together with Ja Film in Aarhus, Denmark. It's good Danish craftsmanship. In fact, we think it's wonderful craftsmanship. Ja Film twists IT security with humour, laughter, horror and recognisability. The organisations using the campaign can confirm that the films hit SPOT ON.
Our closest collaborators at Yes Film are producer Lise Uldbjerg Jørgensen and animator Rasmus Brinck.
The films address the serious IT security topics where large sums of money are at stake.
The messages are memorable because of the quirky line and humorous twist created through detailed animations and the special line that characterises good craftsmanship.
From idea to finished film
Once the idea and story are in place, we create the voiceover and script. And then animator Rasmus starts translating words and ideas into living stories. First, he creates a rough sketch - an ANIMATIC - for the film.
Once everything looks good, it's time to add colours and animations. And the soundtrack is finalised with effects sounds and music, which are also important elements in an animated film. It's a time-consuming process, which is why making good, hand-drawn animated films is expensive.
Meet our main characters
In every good film, there are main characters that you get to know well. These can be humans, animals, plants and even machines, which work great as protagonists.
In our film, the main characters are people, the main ones being Anna and Anton and their colleagues. They are ordinary employees and it's no fun being an Anna or an Anton in the clutches of the hackers.
Watch out, the bad guy is up to something
In our cartoon in the Humour Against Hacking campaign, Bill the hacker is an important character. He's a quirky and dangerous villain. He's the one who can trick us all too easily and can lure or manipulate us into clicking on (suspicious) links.
Sometimes Bill works alone, but when it comes to ransomware and CEO fraud, the scammers work in large networks, just like in the cartoons about cybersecurity and personal data.
The premiere is a day of celebration
The day comes when we're happy to announce that we're ready with a new film. We like to celebrate with coffee and cake.