Lecture with IT security expert Tine Tuxen Løvstrand

'Most security for the money'

With more than 15 years of experience working with information security in various industries, Tine talks about what the biggest threats are, what you can do to counter these threats and where to start to get the most security for your money. "I'm very keen to talk about how the average employee can protect themselves and what the biggest threats are.

'Most security for the money'

If you need inspiration - you can book a useful and entertaining talk with an expert at Humour Against Hacking.

Tine Tuxen Løvstrand: Speech with an expert on IT security - at your organisation.

'Value for money security' with Tine Tuxen is all about:

- What are the biggest threats today?

- Can I do something?

- What can I do?

- Where do I start and where do I get the best value for money?

Lecture with an expert on IT security

Tine's talk is based on concrete stories of security breaches. She focuses on the fact that it should be possible and explains what can be done most often within existing frameworks without it costing a lot extra.

The presentation is customised to the audience and duration depending on wishes and needs, and will typically be 30-60 minutes with the opportunity for questions for 15-30 minutes afterwards.

IT security expert Tine Tuxen has two versions of the presentation, depending on which employees she is speaking to:

1. the core employees who have day-to-day responsibility for the organisation's IT and personal data security - i.e. IT staff, HR staff, management, board of directors

2. Employees - the hackers' favourite targets

The "ordinary" employees who have limited focus on IT security in their day-to-day work and don't fully realise how important they are as players in the fight against hackers. Nine out of ten hacker attacks start with a phishing email where an employee clicks on a link that shouldn't have been clicked.

Tine shares her insights and makes it clear that it is precisely the employees who have an important responsibility to ensure that the organisation has a strong defence against the hackers' increasingly cunning and cunning attacks.


"I'm very keen to talk about how the average employee can protect themselves and what the biggest threats are. For example, it's about always having a backup, because then you still have your files if something goes wrong.

It's also about not reusing passwords on different services. Use a password manager to ensure that if one account is compromised, it's only that one.

And use 2-factor authentication where possible to ensure that you still have control over your account even if your password has been compromised.

Make sure to update your operating system and applications when new security patches become available - preferably automatically. And last but not least - as one of my former bosses always said: "Common sense rarely goes out of fashion." If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

~ Tine Tuxen Løvstrand, IT Security Consultant

Book a lecture with Tine Tuxen Løvstrand
Insights on ransomware: Here Tine Tuxen Løvstrand talks about ransomware - one of the most significant threats to IT security currently and in the future:

Hacking is BIG business. It's estimated that global cybercrime annually amounts to the equivalent of building 250 Great Belt bridges(*) - over DKK 27 billion a day.

Other talks you can book with Humour against hacks