References for Kelsa Media

The Humour Against Hacking e-learning courses and supplementary materials are used in large companies, ministries, municipalities, organisations and educational institutions. The Humour Against Hacking courses on cybersecurity and personal data get top marks.

See customer reviews of the Humour Against Hacking courses and their collaboration with Kelsa Media


Customers and partners

Kelsa Media works with a wide range of ministries, municipalities, publishers, media, institutions, organisations and companies. Among others:


- Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ministry of Defence - Ministry of Culture - Ministry of Health - Ministry of Business and Growth - Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate - Ministry of Education / Uni-C - National Social Appeals Board - Ministry of Integration - Norwegian Parliament


- Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ministry of Defence - Ministry of Culture - Ministry of Health - Ministry of Business and Growth - Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate - Ministry of Education / Uni-C - National Social Appeals Board - Ministry of Integration - Norwegian Parliament


- 3F - Danish Union of Teachers - BUPL - Danish Nurses Association - Realdania - Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) - Domea - Bo-Vest - Journalistforbundet - Skolelederforeningen - Post Danmark - Billedkunstlærerne

Private companies

- Bunker Holding A/S - Foss A/S - Fors A/S - AVK A/S - Lån og Spar Bank A/S - Spar Nord A/S - Novartis Global - MAN Energy Solutions - Comwell A/S - Movia Trafik - Alm. Brand Forsikring - EG A/S - HedeDanmark A/S - Brunata A/S- Seges - Unifeeder A/S - Salling Group A/S - MT Højgaard A/S - Torm A/S - Tryg Insurance - AP Pension - Aura A/S - DLG Amba - TBI, Holland - Kildebjerg-Ry

Municipalities and Regions

- North Denmark Region - Region Zealand - Faxe Municipality - Holbæk Municipality - Vesthimmerlands Municipality - Køge Municipality - Randers Municipality - Aarhus Municipality - Skanderborg Municipality - Aalborg Municipality - Viborg Municipality

Educational institutions

- UCL (University College Lillebælt) - UCC - UC Sjælland - UC Syddanmark - VIA UC - UC Nordjylland - EUC Nord

Primary schools

- Møllehøjskolen Viborg: Project Democracy - Mellervangskolen Aalborg: Project - Lyshøjskolen in Kolding - Mølleskolen and other schools in Ry and Skanderborg

Local organisations

- Ry Borgerforening - The school ship Ry


- Gyldendal - Forlaget Meloni - Tengberg Media - Skolemedia


- Psychological news - Environmental magazine - Nature and Environment - Schoolchildren


- DR (Danmarks Radio): - Radio P1: Orientering, Panorama, Miljømagasinet, Mennesker og Tro, and more - Radio P4: DR Østjylland, DR Sjælland - TV: Børn & Unge


- Destination Skanderborg - Sun and Beach holiday home rental - Ry Canoeing

Travel organisers

- Viktor's Grandma

Micro businesses

- Ann-E. Knudsen, Neuroscientist - Pierre Ventujol, Osteopath

The story behind Kelsa Media

Kelsa Media is a creative media company that produces cartoons, video, photos, articles, websites and campaigns for many different types of platforms.

Lis Kelså founded Kelsa Media in 2000, at the time under the name Kelså Kommunikation. During that time, Kelsa Media's customers were mainly the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), magazines and publishers. Since then, many other customers have become part of Kelsa Media's network.

Lis Kelså is a producer and communications consultant. She has a journalistic background with 15 years of employment at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, and 15 years with her own company.

Our key competence is storytelling - for all digital and physical platforms and covering many different topics, such as productions about cybersecurity, GDPR, business strategy, ESG, climate, culture and children, and more.

Top marks: The Humour Against Hacking cybersecurity e-learning courses get top marks. See the customer reviews of Humour Against Hacking's e-learning courses